Monday, March 4, 2013

Game Review - iOS: Rayman Jungle Run

Today, I decided to check out and feature Rayman Jungle Run, Ubisoft’s release on the iOS and Android that has won many accolades and even voted the best game of 2012.

To all the people who are new to the franchise, Rayman is originally a 2D platformer that was released first in 1995 in several consoles. Rayman has had many subsequent releases with its most recent title being Rayman Origins for the PC, Xbox and the PS3. Rayman Origins had a great reception because it brought the traditional 2D platforming genre into the vastly populated world of 3D games. It showed how the good ol’ 2D platformers still rock and gave the gamers immense nostalgia. Rayman Origins featured beautiful hand drawn 2D graphics, ridiculously hilarious characters and a fast paced side scrolling action. Not to mention an excellent sound track which made the perfect topping to the masterpiece that is Rayman Origins.

Rayman with his characteristic limbless body

Rayman Jungle run is the mobile version of Rayman Origins featuring the same beautiful landscapes and the quick, reflexive gameplay that Origins has so beautifully executed.

The game has been divided into 5 packs with each pack introducing a new feature, or a power to Rayman. He starts with only jumping but eventually unlocks awesome powers like gliding, punching, running on walls, etc. Each pack has 9 levels with one bonus level which is unlocked by getting a perfect score in atleast 5 levels. Now they have portrayed this ingeniously by portraying a toothless Death and with each perfect score, Death gets one of his tooth and with 5 teeth, the bonus track (Land of the Dead) is unlocked.

Death seems pretty happy with his teeth, all two of them!!

The bonus track is mainly a survival map where all Rayman has to do, is to get to the end in one piece while avoiding humungous thorns, active volcanoes, fireballs and large spikey monsters!! Each pack has its own bonus track which is unlocked by getting 5 of Death’s teeth.

Perfect score, everyone has a reason to celebrate!

The challenging and fun ‘Land of the Dead’ level

Other features in game include the gallery where the player unlocks beautiful wallpapers for his device by collecting lums, a purchasable hero pack where the player can play as Globox or Blue Rayman, multiple saves and an awesome soundtrack which has copious amounts of happiness which one cannot help but smile to.

The game is hugely popular due to not just its game play, but stunning environment and character art which is a combination of both vector and raster graphics. The animation is smooth, responsive and not to mention, charmingly cute! Some of the environment animations like rains, volcanoes, silhouette levels sometimes just make you stop playing just to admire the art, which truly is breathtaking!

The audio is this game is cute, quirky and an overload of happiness! It is also fast paced in the bonus levels giving a sense of urgency and makes the gameplay all the more exciting.  The sfx for the game, especially while collecting the lums would make anyone grin childishly. The audio goes beautifully with the levels (For eg: In a level where it rains) that takes fun to a whole new level!

So finally, to answer the question of does this game really deserve the title of Best Game of 2012, to which I reply, Hell to the Yeah! This is a well designed game from start to end. I recommend this game to everyone, I bet my pants on it! (No seriously I do). This would surely make you smile; yeah because it is THAT good.

Gameplay: 8/10 – Quick, fast paced and one of the few genuinely fun games to play in the market.

Graphics: 9/10 – Digital painting at its pinnacle!

Audio: 8/10 – Simple, happy and childishly charming!

Overall: 8.5/10 - The good ol’ Rayman is back, with a bang! Future developers watch out, Ubisoft has raised the bar to a whole new level.

Review by Varun Ramachandran

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